URY playd
C++ minimalist audio player
Command Reference

playd implements the BAPS3 Internal API (specifically the End, FileLoad, PlayStop, Seek, and TimeReport features), as described in the [BAPS3 specification][]. The specification provides more formal definitions of the commands supported by playd.

Sending Commands Manually

To talk to playd, open a raw TCP/IP session on the host and port on which playd was started. For example, using netcat:


On Windows, use PuTTY in raw mode with an Implicit CR for every LF.

Initial Responses

When connecting to playd, it will send a few initial responses to inform the client of its current state. This will look something like:

! OHAI 1 bifrost-0.3.0 playd-0.3.0
! IAMA player/file
! FLOAD 'C:\Users\mattbw\Music\07 - Games Without Frontiers.mp3'
! POS 72399818

This tells the client:

  • Its client ID is 1 (mostly used for debug purposes);
  • This server speaks the Bifrost protocol, version 0.3.0;
  • This server runs playd version 0.3.0;
  • This server is a file player;
  • There is a file loaded and it is playing;
  • The file loaded is 'C:\07 - Games Without Frontiers.mp3' (a brilliant song from Peter Gabriel)
  • We are 72,399,818 microseconds, or 72.4 seconds, into the song;
  • This is all the information we need to begin sending commands.

Command Format

playd uses shell-style commands:

  • Each command is a linefeed-delimited line of whitespace-delimited words;
  • Whitespace and quotes can be escaped by using backslash;
  • Words can be quoted to avoid needing to backslash-escape large amounts of whitespace: either using double quotes, which allows backslash escaping, or single quotes, which doesn't;
  • The first word is a tag, which should uniquely identify the command among any other commands playd receives. If you're confident you're the only user of a playd, feel free to use anything here, as long as it contains neither ! nor :. If you're sharing a playd with something else, you will need to make sure your tags don't clash with theirs (eg, using GUIDs, or hashes including your hostname/MAC address/etc).
  • The second word represents the command, and each subsequent word is an argument to that command.


These are the requests that clients can send to playd. Request commands are always in lowercase.


Terminates playd. (May be removed in future versions.)

fload file

Loads file, which is an absolute path to an audio file.


Unloads the current file, stopping it if it is currently playing.


Starts playing the currently loaded file.


Stops playing the currently loaded file. This does not alter the position; use seek 0 after stop to rewind the file.

pos position

Seeks to position microseconds since the beginning of the file.


Causes the song to jump right to the end; this is useful for skipping to the next file if you're using a playlist manager like listd with playd.


Dumps all of the current state, as if you had just connected (except we don't show you the OHAI or IAMA again).


These are the responses sent to clients by playd. Response commands are always in uppercase.

OHAI id protocol-ver server-ver

Identifies the server program and version, the protocol server and version, and the client ID.

IAMA role

States the Bifrost role of playd, ie player/file.


Marks the end of a file. This is sent if a file finishes playing of its own accord, or if end is sent.

POS position

Announces the current position in the file, in microseconds.


Announces that the file is now being played.


Announces that the file is now stopped.


Announces that no file is loaded.


Announces that the server is quitting (may be removed in future versions).

FLOAD file

Announces that file has just been loaded.

ACK status message command...

The format of this response may change in future versions.

Announces that a command has just been received and processed.

The result of the command is given by status:

  • WHAT: command is syntactically invalid.
  • FAIL: command unsuccessfully completed.
  • OK: command successfully completed.