URY playd
C++ minimalist audio player
Visual Studio Build Notes

Here are some field notes for building playd with Microsoft Visual Studio.

NOTE: Much of this is from memory and is in need of filling out with more details.

Visual Studio Versions

At time of writing, playd has been tested with Visual Studio 2015 (version 14). As playd needs a C++11 compiler, earlier versions will likely fail; newer versions may work, but this is not guaranteed.

Assembling Libraries and Includes

The Visual Studio project provided (playd.vcxproj) expects import libraries (.lib files) and library headers (.h, .hpp, .hxx) to be collected in the lib and include subdirectories respectively.

The lib directory should include:

  • libmpg123-0.lib, from building libmpg123 (details TBA);
  • libsndfile-1.lib, from the libsndfile Windows distribution;
  • libuv.lib, from building libuv as below;
  • SDL2.lib and SDLmain.lib from SDL2 (if you are building a Debug version of playd, you will need to build SDL2 from source–the Visual Studio pre-packaged lib is built for Release only and will give you linker errors!)

The include directory should include:

  • mpg123.h from libmpg123;
  • The contents of SDL2's include directory (better safe than sorry);
  • sndfile.h and sndfile.hh from libsndfile;
  • These headers from libuv's include directory:
    • tree.h
    • uv.h
    • uv-errno.h
    • uv-threadpool.h
    • uv-version.h
    • uv-win.h


This must be built as a shared library (vcbuild.bat shared). Otherwise, this should work fine.