URY playd
C++ minimalist audio player
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CAudioAn audio item
 CNoAudioA dummy Audio implementation representing a lack of file
 CPipeAudioA concrete implementation of Audio as a 'pipe'
 CAudioSinkAbstract class for audio output sinks
 CSdlAudioSinkAn output stream for audio, using SDL
 CAudioSourceAn object responsible for decoding an audio file
 CConnectionA TCP connection from a client
 CDebugClass for telling the human what playd is doing
 CErrorA playd exception
 CConfigErrorAn Error signifying that playd has been improperly configured
 CFileErrorAn Error signifying that playd can't read a file
 CInternalErrorAn Error signifying that playd has hit an internal snag
 CNetErrorA network error
 CNoAudioErrorAn Error signifying that no audio is loaded
 CSeekErrorAn Error signifying that playd can't seek in a file
 CPlayerA Player contains a loaded audio file and a command API for manipulating it
 CResponseA response
 CResponseSinkAbstract class for anything that can be sent a response
 CIoCoreThe IO core, which services input, routes responses, and executes the Player update routine periodically
 CRingBufferA ring buffer
 CTokeniserA string tokeniser