URY playd
C++ minimalist audio player
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAudioAn audio item
 CAudioSinkAbstract class for audio output sinks
 CAudioSourceAn object responsible for decoding an audio file
 CConfigErrorAn Error signifying that playd has been improperly configured
 CConnectionA TCP connection from a client
 CDebugClass for telling the human what playd is doing
 CErrorA playd exception
 CFileErrorAn Error signifying that playd can't read a file
 CInternalErrorAn Error signifying that playd has hit an internal snag
 CIoCoreThe IO core, which services input, routes responses, and executes the Player update routine periodically
 CNetErrorA network error
 CNoAudioA dummy Audio implementation representing a lack of file
 CNoAudioErrorAn Error signifying that no audio is loaded
 CPipeAudioA concrete implementation of Audio as a 'pipe'
 CPlayerA Player contains a loaded audio file and a command API for manipulating it
 CResponseA response
 CResponseSinkAbstract class for anything that can be sent a response
 CRingBufferA ring buffer
 CSdlAudioSinkAn output stream for audio, using SDL
 CSeekErrorAn Error signifying that playd can't seek in a file
 CTokeniserA string tokeniser